The basis and importance of the forming Hungarian-Italian space cooperation
The importance of the space sector is exponentially growing, and in the intensifying space competition, it is essential to unite the strength of European nations, based on the success of bilateral space cooperations. By recently signing a Memorandum of Understanding, Hungary and Italy aims to develop this cooperation, opening a beneficial common future perspective. This article aims to present and summarise the basis and potential of this relationship.
Research introduction – The role of the Hungarian-Italian bilateral relationship in (re)building the Central European Initiative
This article provides an introduction to an ongoing research project in the framework of the MCC Fellowship Programme, which analyses the common interests and challenges of Hungary and Italy, aiming to show how can these main founders of the Central European Initiative be an engine of this regional cooperation even at the current period of geopolitical changes.This article provides an introduction to an ongoing research project in the framework of the MCC Fellowship Programme, which analyses the common interests and challenges of Hungary and Italy, aiming to show how can these main founders of the Central European Initiative be an engine of this regional cooperation even at the current period of geopolitical changes.
Giovani costruttori di pace: tante energie e pochi spazi
Con particolare attenzione all’area del Mediterraneo, venerdì 24 novembre si terrà presso l’Università degli Studi Link l’evento “Youth, Peace and Security: a new challenge for Mediterranean area” organizzato insieme all’Univesity of Jordan, Unimed e GeoHub.
L’alleanza dei Five Eyes e le nuove sfide delle intelligence occidentali
I servizi di intelligence – spionaggio e controspionaggio – hanno sempre avuto nel corso della storia un ruolo fondamentalmente indipendente dal tipo di governo che amministra la società. Tuttavia, con l’assestamento delle democrazie occidentali dopo la fine della Seconda guerra mondiale anche i servizi segreti si sono dovuti adeguare al nuovo modo di agire, appunto più democratico, dei nuovi assetti politici e giuridici.
Gli amici del Cremlino: una breve panoramica generale
Dopo più di un mese, da quando l’esercito russo ha iniziato l’invasione dell’Ucraina il 24 febbraio 2022, dopo settimane di tensioni che avevano fatto presagire un tale sconvolgimento geopolitico, è possibile fare un punto della situazione su come stia agendo il Cremlino e da chi esso sia supportato.
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Summary of the European Space Cooperation Conference
As one of the first results of the partnership of Link University and Mathias Corvinus Collegium was the European Space Cooperation Conference, being the first Hungarian-Italian space conference, held on the 16th of May in Rome. This conference was aimed to contribute to the building of the newly established Hungarian-Italian space cooperation by creating an occasion for the actors of the two countries’ space sectors to unite and start a dialogue on the recent challenges and opportunities of this field, which results this article aims to present.